Diseño de un refrigerador que opere en presencia de un agente antibacterial. Ingeniería básica

Para hacer uso racional y eficiente de la energía en un proceso físico-químico, que combinó la refrigeración de un alimento y la acción de un agente anti-bacterial (ozono). El propósito de este documento es exponer una metodología, desde la ingeniería básica o conceptual, que brinde la información n...

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Jaimes Moreno, Daniel Ricardo
Moreno Moreno, Jorge Eduardo
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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To make rational and efficient use of energy in a physical-chemical process
which combined refrigeration of food and the action of an anti -bacterial (ozone) agent. The purpose of this document is to present a methodology from basic or conceptual engineering
to provide the necessary information for the design and construction of a cooling system low-power operation with alternating ozone generation. The different factors that affect ozone generation are presented
too is presented the step by step forward to design a generator circuit of high ozone concentration. Similarly
was designed a cooling system in a clear and easy way; explaining each of the parameters required for your design. Looking for an effective generation different tests are performed
varying keys factors to determine the best operating points for ozone generator circuit designed. With certain characteristics is operated the ozone generator circuit and your behavior is studied. Finally a mode of alternating operation of the cooling system with the ozone generator is proposed. As an overall conclusion
the design of ozone generator circuit is highly satisfactory
not only because it is economical and technically feasible
but also because it provides a new option and it left open a window in research of CEMOS group.
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