Apoyo jurídico a la línea estratégica de lucha contra la impunidad : practica jurídico social en la corporación colectivo de abogados Luis Carlos Pérez

El objetivo general de este proyecto se basó en la Contribución al apoyo jurídico en la Línea Estratégica de Lucha Contra la Impunidad, por medio de asesorías a víctimas de graves violaciones a los derechos humanos en el marco del conflicto armado interno en Colombia, generando capacidades, política...

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Pinzon Angulo, Laura Catherine
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Corporación Colectivo De Abogados Luis Carlos Pérez
Derechos Fundamentales
Derecho Internacional Humanitario
Derechos De Las Víctimas En El Marco Del Conflicto Armado Colombiano
Apoyo Y Acompañamiento Jurídico.
The main objective of this project is based on the contribution to the legal support for the strategic line of fight against impunity
through legal consultancy to victims of severe violations in human rights
during the internal armed conflict in Colombia. Simultaneously
legal capacities and policies of public education were created with legal accompaniment. Reports of the activities performed with the law firm Luis Carlos Pérez Corporation were written
under the method of legal practicum. In the development of this research is to extend and apply the legal knowledge about protection
defense and enforceability was increased and applied in what refers to human rights and International Humanitarian Law. Also
knowing and employing the legal routes available to the victims of the armed conflict in the Colombian Legal System for the compensation for damages and losses that they were obliged to suffer
was very important defend their rights. It was also actively sought to generate legal capacities
policies and public education that could be reflected in every action carried out by CCALCP2
in favor of the victims of severe violations of human rights in the Colombian Armed Conflict; likewise
in the course of the practicum
truth seeking
reparation and legal guarantees were emphasized to avoid the repetition of victimization by actions oriented to the promotion
protection and enforceability of fundamental rights of victims; those were accomplished with a strategic legal accompaniment from CCALCP that includes the follow-up of the human rights situations
public education
organizational reinforcement
political influence and the regular assessment of the teamwork.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)