Análisis de los fluidos de fracturamiento y propantes usados en yacimientos no convencionales

El Fracturamiento Hidráulico es una técnica que se ha venido usando en Colombia con el propósito de mejorar la producción de los pozos, especialmente para atravesar zonas con daño y garantizar la conexión entre el pozo y el yacimiento. A nivel mundial el Fracturamiento Hidráulico se ha extendido ráp...

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Atuesta Rodriguez, Luis Eduardo
Nova Gomez, Cristian Joaquin
Tipo de recurso:
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Palabra clave:
Fracturamiento Hidráulico
Fluidos De Fracturamiento
Yacimientos No Convencionales.
The hydraulic fracturing is a technique that has been used in Colombia for the purpose of increasing production from Wells
especially through áreas with damage and ensure the connection between the well and reservoir. Worldwide Hydraulic fracturing has spread quickly to the extraction of hydrocarbons from difficult access
located in unconventional reservoirs
this development results in increased technically recoverable resources reducing oil imports from some countries
such as the case of the United States. Colombia is a country that has oil reserves for seven years
which requires the exploitation of unconventional reservoirs
not to join the group of non-oil producing countries. The potential for technically recoverable resources in unconventional reservoirs for Colombia is high
which justifies the development of this work for analysis of fracturing fluids and proppants
analyzing the maturation of this technique
companies that perform this process
characteristics fluids and identify potential environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing
to establish the best mechanisms for the extraction of unconventional hydrocarbons present in the formation Luna in Colombia
with reference to the experience gained in the Eagle Ford Shale establish the best mechanisms for the extraction of unconventional hydrocarbons present in the formation Luna in Colombia
with reference to the experience gained in the Eagle Ford Shale .
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