Rediseño y construcción de un banco de pruebas para diagnóstico de fallas en una hidro transmisión bomba variable - motor fijo

El presente proyecto de grado tiene por objetivo rediseñar y repotenciar el banco de pruebas para bombas hidráulicas que tiene el grupo de investigación DICBOT, con el fin de proporcionar a los estudiantes de pregrado y maestría, un medio para generar estudios en el área del mantenimiento basado en...

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Bolano Diaz, Yosmer David
Niño Duarte, Arnulfo Javier
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Diagnóstico De Fallas
Bomba De Pistones Axiales
Motor Hidráulico
The main goal of this project is the redesigning and repowering of a test bench for the hydraulic pumps of the DICBOT (Dynamic Systems multiphysics
Control and Robotics) research team
with the aim of providing to the undergraduate and master´s degree students a resource to generate new researches in the maintenance area
based in the CBM condition in hydraulic pumps and engines
of the implementation of machine learning algorithms as SVM (Support Vector Machine) and ANN (Artificial Neural Network) in the diagnosis of faults in this elements. This project was born due to the need that has the Mechanical Engineering School DICBOT research team
in improving the bench test
with the aim of doing researches over the diagnosis of faults in hydraulic systems (pumps
hydrostatic transmission) at industrial scale. The diesel engine was changed by an electric engine in the test bench
reducing the hearing noises as the emitted to acquire the signals
additionally a module was built to install the electric engine
and thus form the hydrostatic transmission
but due to the limitations in the electric capacity
the test bench only can work at a maximum pressure of 1000 PSI.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)