Evaluación del impacto del brittleness y volúmenes estimulados en el comportamiento de producción en Shale Plays

Debido al auge energético de las últimas décadas, apareció un nuevo concepto creando una oportunidad de desarrollo para la industria de los hidrocarburos, los yacimientos no convencionales. Este tipo de yacimientos no tienen movimiento del fluido, lo que significa que requieren tecnología mucho más...

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Alzate Niño, Juan David
Caballero Quintero, Jennyfer Tatiana
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Palabra clave:
Fracturamiento Hidráulico
Yacimiento De Shale
Módulo De Young
Coeficiente De Poisson
Fractura Natural
Volumen Estimulado Del Yacimiento.
Due to the energy boom of recent decades
a new concept appeared creating an opportunity of development for the hydrocarbons industry
the unconventional reservoirs. These kinds of reservoirs do not have a fluid movement
which means that they require much more advanced technology in the extraction processes as horizontal wells and hydraulic fracturing which improves shale production
injecting a fluid with high pressure and proppants in the reservoir in order to create a network fracture and give way to fluid flow into the well. In geomechanical terms the reservoir is subject to mechanical properties such as Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio
these are the parameters that determine the geometry of the fracture significantly impacting the design of it. Based on the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio
the brittleness of the rock is determined. In agreement of brittleness
shale is classified as either ductile or brittle. The way the rock would be respond to stimulation treatment is largely based on its brittleness
fractures in ductile formations are simple and complexity of the fractures increase as the shale properties move from ductile to brittle and the degree of secondary fracturing increases as brittleness increases too. This research aims to evaluate how the behavior of the shale play (being ductile or brittle) affects the stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) and how that affected in terms of production.
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