Estudio de prefactibilidad técnico y financiero para la creación del departamento de asistencia de perito en el sitio del accidente de tránsito en la ciudad de Bogotá para la aseguradora Mapfre seguros

La presente monografía desarrolla un estudio técnico y financiero para la creación de un departamento técnico de asistencia entro de la asegurado MAPFRE, que prestará servicios de peritación, asesoramiento legal y asignación de taller para el asegurado. Haciendo así uso de los beneficios del agua te...

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Herrera Gonzalez, Sergio Andres
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Mapfre. Creación De Un Departamento Técnico De Asistencia Entro De La Asegurado Mapfre
Que Prestará Servicios De Peritación
Asesoramiento Legal Y Asignación De Taller Para El Asegurado.
This paper develops a technical and financial study for the creation of a technical support department entered the secured MAPFRE
which will provide expert opinion services
legal advice and mapping workshop for the insured. thus making use of the benefits of thermal water for health . Services that allow tourists and the inhabitants of the region share with family
under the support of a multinational company that has a presence in over 40 countries . In order to evaluate the technical and financial feasibility for the implementation of the project
initially sampling is performed to determine the demand would l service when implemented . In addition an analysis of the resources needed for the project to become operational
it is estimated staff is performed
the procedures are performed and the position of the department is determined within the company . Given the project horizon of 5 years
the investment required is assessed
the costs of labor
administrative expenses
working capital costs and unit costs of services is determined. In this way the income and expenses
cash flow
income statement and balance project. Finally assessing the net present value
return on investment and the time when this is recovered.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)