Factibilidad para la creación de una empresa productora de postres y tortas personalizadas en Bucaramanga

La primera parte del estudio se presenta la introducción, en la cual se hace referencia a las líneas temáticas que guían el desarrollo del trabajo; colocando especial atención a la oportunidad de los nuevos profesionales en el entorno para la creación de nuevas oportunidades laborales a través de la...

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Melo Acevedo, Sandra Milena
Tipo de recurso:
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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The first part of the study presents the introduction
in which reference is made to the thematic lines that guide the development of the work; placing special attention to the opportunity of new professionals in the framework for the creation of new job opportunities through the creation of new company
presenting in the same way in the development of the study presents an outline of the global
regional and local landscape pastry chef and the projections of a new pastry at the local market knowing the expectations of market players
that in this particular case would be consumers and competition. In the second part the administrative aspects of the new company are projected
making reference to its business projections
their duties and responsibilities
preparing the company administratively so that its address is successful
so that to achieve business success The third part of the project corresponds to the financial projections
which allows to calculate the financial needs of the project at present and in the next five years
in such a way that does not occur the surprises that normally occur when attempting to start a business process without planning or planning. Finally the project focuses in its administrative
financial viability and management
by calculating its implementation
dissemination and permanence in the market in the next five years
evaluating each one of the components of business success
as reflected in its financial statements
as well as the commitment to corporate social responsibility and the communities that somehow can approach the new project.
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