Estudio del impacto social y ambiental por los derrames de crudo ocurridos en el oleoducto trasandino en el sector del municipio de Tumaco departamento de Nariño, en el año 2015

Es indudable que el petróleo constituye hoy en día el motor de la economía colombiana, ya que es el principal generador de la renta externa; y es fuente principal de rentas para las regiones ya sea por regalías de su explotación o por contribuciones fiscales en las distintas fases de su proceso. La...

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Molina Cardenas, Kendy Lorena
Teheran Tapia, Liz Elith
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Palabra clave:
Impacto Ambiental
Impacto Social
oil today is the engine of the Colombian economy
as it is the main source of external income; and is the main source of income for regions either royalties from exploitation or tax contributions at various stages of the process. The oil industry in Colombia
has suffered a series of difficulties some own hard work to find oil and many other legal
economic and even public policy: one of these is in its transport phase
numerous attacks groups outside the law; yet they have not discouraged companies producing this precious element. Given the situation of the impacts caused by spills
it adds the constant opposition from the media and much of the community in the presence of oil projects in the regions
arise their negative attitudes toward the industry
since they consider oil companies as responsible for the environmental crisis
without taking into account that an oil spill occurs not only unsafe acts of the company
but by the continuous attacks by groups outside the law to pipelines; that is when the industry is affected by public opinion that hinder the transport phase of hydrocarbons. One of the mechanisms used to prevent
compensate or mitigate environmental impacts that occur because of oil spills is the PMA (environmental management plan)
as such the objective of this work is to study the environmental and social impacts oil spills in the Trasandino pipeline in the area of Tumaco Nariño department in 2015 .
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)