Estudio técnico económico para el montaje e instalación de una planta de tratamiento de residuos sólidos del agua de producción en el campo toldado

El aumento de la dosis de química en cabeza de pozos y facilidades de superficie para mejorar el proceso de tratamiento del petróleo y del agua residual de producción. Incremento la generación de borras aceitosas en las piscinas de aceitosos, se aumentó la frecuencia de limpieza de las piscinas de t...

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Ascencio Chilatra, Jhon Jairo
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Plantas De Tratamiento
Borras Aceitosas
Lifting Cost.
Increasing doses chemistry head wells and surface facilities to enhance the treatment process oil and waste water production. Increase the generation of oily sediments in pools of "Oxidation and Aeration"; due to silting condition of oily solids
the frequency of cleaning of the pools of water treatment associated with increased production of the Field. These scheduled cleanings are generating: A high on cost
Bioremediation processes
transportation and overtime generated by production personnel to perform the activity. Failure to comply with the quality parameters of the dumping
the field would be closed and / or penalized by environmental authorities "Coortolima and Coorcuencas" continuing with this situation or condition
Golf Toldado not be profitable for the operator "ECOPETROL S.A" Lifting its high cost and operating costs. To reduce operating costs
minimize risks and dangers of the production staff to make pool cleaning and in order to continue compliance with the quality parameters of water discharged is necessary to find a viable alternative to optimize the current process of treating oily solid residue Field Toldado
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)