Implementación de un plan de mantenimiento para el parque automotor de la cooperativa Multiactiva de Taxistas y Transportadores Unidos, Cotaxi

La Cooperativa multiactiva de taxis y transportadores unidos, Cotaxi posee gran variedad en servicios de transporte terrestre en Santander y Colombia, la cual cuenta con 230 vehículos para el servicio de la comunidad. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo principal el diseño, la estructuración e impleme...

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Antolinez Rivera, Edberg Abel
Garcia Malaver, Fabian Ricardo
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Mantenimiento Preventivo
Estructuración E Implementación
Diagrama De Pareto
Análisis De Criticidad
The Multiactive Cooperative taxis and transporters united
Cotaxi has great variety in land transport services in Santander and Colombia
which has 230 vehicles for community service. This project's main objective is the design
structuring and implementation of corrective and preventive routine maintenance for vehicles forming this cooperative. For this project first must perform a compilation of information failures that have vehicles periodically to subsequently classify and analyze them using tools such as criticality analysis by the method of weighted systems and Pareto chart
which allow us to classify defects and determine the most critical of which is analyzed and determined intervention times between maintenance of vehicles in order to prevent these vehicles do not waste time for unscheduled repairs in maintenance workshops. After gathering all this information will proceed to enter it in the computer system (software) which stores all the information of the vehicles as resumes
fault history
technical specifications and mainly generate alarms dates maintenance vehicles thus ensuring a reduction in maintenance costs and provide better service to their customers who are the main objectives of the company.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)