Plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa productora de trucha arcoíris

La idea de negocios es una alternativa al modelo de producción tradicional de trucha arcoíris caracterizado por sus bajos índices de productividad y alto impacto ambiental. La propuesta pretende elevar los indicadores de productividad siendo amigables con el medio ambiente a través de componentes in...

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Roman Ordonez, Javier Alexander
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Plan De Negocios
Conversión Alimentaria
Densidad De Siembra
Recambio De Agua
Tanque Circular De Geomembrana
Alimentador Automático
Trucha Arcoíris.
The business idea is an alternative to traditional production model of steelhead characterized by low productivity rates and high environmental impact. The proposal aims to increase the productivity indicators being friendly to the environment through components involved in the production process: temperature control and oxygenation of the water
automatic food dispenser
breeding electric circular tanks geomembrane generation through a hydro turbine and solid waste treatment. The development of the business plan involved developing an analysis of the sector where the business idea will unfold. He then proceeded to a market study in order to determine the degree of acceptance of the product in the Metropolitan Area of Bucaramanga
preferences of the target market
and supply and competition characteristics. Once the market research conducted proceeded to develop the marketing plan with a view to the implementation of the company. The respective technical study that determined the requirements for the implementation of the company and its processes are also included. Environmental - then the organizational and legal requirements of the company and its partner measuring impact were analyzed. The financial viability of the project was analyzed taking three scenarios (optimistic
expected and pessimistic) identifying critical variables that influence significantly on the profitability of the project. Finally the strategies that allow the company to be sustainable
profitable and attractive for its development were developed. ()
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)