Implantación e implementación del portal web del consultorio jurídico UIS y del módulo del centro de conciliación del sistema de información para consultorios jurídicos de instituciones de educación superior sicj-ies

El consultorio jurídico de la UIS junto con el grupo STI han unido esfuerzos a través de varios años para llevar a cabo importantes proyectos informáticos que en la actualidad apoyan las actividades y procesos que se llevan a cabo dentro del consultorio jurídico. El presente trabajo parte de la nece...

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Camacho Mejia, Jefferson
Coronado Anaya, Jiri Silvana
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Consultorio Jurídico
Centro De Conciliación
Portal Web
Sistema De Información
The legal Office of the UIS together with the Research Group Systems and Information Technologies (STI) have worked hard over several years to managed IT projects that currently support activities and processes carried out within Legal Office. This project begins with a need to continue the development of the SICJ-IES
which aims to support the activities that take place at the Conciliation Center attached to the Legal Office of the UIS. In 2006 was developed the Information system to support the actions for the legal office of the Industrial University of Santander CYSACJ -UIS as degree work of systems engineering
developed by Mariutsi Osorio Sanabria and in 2012 as well as degree work of systems engineering
developed by Carlos Alvarado Farfan and titled " Information System Support the control of the activities of the Legal Clinic of the UIS: CYSACJ –UIS 2.0“. Its main objective is to support the actions developed within the legal office
the scope of those mentioned earlier versions did not provide full support to all the activities developed at the Center for Conciliation
as the processes carried in the cases of the legal office are different to the cases in the conciliation center; for this reason the Information System for Legal Clinics of Higher Education Institutions (SICJ – IES) was developed as well as grade work of systems engineering
developed by Harold Ardila Corredor
which proposes to extend some services from CYSACJUIS 2.0 to the Conciliation Center. As well as degree work of systems engineering by Manuel Moreno and Pedro Vergel
it was developed a web portal for the Legal Office of the UIS
which proposes to give support to the students in practice.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)