Herramientas informáticas para modelado y simulación humana como soporte a las estrategias de enseñanza de la ergonomía en la Escuela de Diseño Industrial UIS

El presente trabajo de grado tuvo como propósito desarrollar un modelo de utilización de herramientas informáticas para el modelado y simulación humana, como soporte para fortalecer las estrategias de enseñanza de la ergonomía en la escuela de diseño industrial UIS. Para lograr dicho objetivo se imp...

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Arguello Bastos, Eddy Alexandra
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Digital Human Modeling
Ergonomía De Producto
Herramientas Informáticas
Estrategias De Enseñanza.
The aim of this project was to develop an implementation model of informatics tools for modelling and human simulation as a support of the ergonomics teaching strategies in the industrial design school at UIS University. In order to achieve this objective
the authors applied a methodology compound of 3 phases. The first of them
lie in a review and analysis of informatics tools implemented in industry and the strategies for teaching them in academic environments. In the second phase was developed the conceptualization and the proposed of the teaching model for its following assessment. Lastly
in the third phase
was carried out a test with the students of Product Ergonomics in the second semester of 2015
with the purpose of make a comparison between the current teaching plan and the proposed it. As a result of the assessment
was obtained that the average of the grades in both cases were similar
but statistically were found meaningful differences between the evaluated models (p-value=0
0487). On the other hand
a survey allowed to know that students found advantages in both strategies and considered that the two of them might be implemented together. Therefore
the implementation model was reformulated looking for unify the current and the proposed model in order to improve the student’s skills towards industry and academic challenges.
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