Diseño de un modelo para la gestión del riesgo en seguridad y salud en el trabajo basado en la guía técnica colombiana- gtc 45:2012, para la empresa Gn Consulting S.A.S

El diseño de un modelo para la gestión del riesgo en seguridad y salud en el trabajo en una empresa de software permite tanto cumplir con la normatividad colombiana, así como asegurar unas condiciones óptimas de trabajo que permitan a los colaboradores de GN Consulting S.A.S. realizar las labores pa...

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Diaz Carrillo, Janeth Susana
Mendez Cifuentes, Erika Tatiana
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Seguridad Y Salud En El Trabajo
Enfermedades Laborales
Empresa De Software
The model design for the management of risks in health and security in the workplace of a software business allows to meet Colombian norms
as well as securing optimal work conditions that allow contributors of GN Consulting SAS perform the tasks for which they were hired for
bringing them optimal health and security conditions
at the same time counting with a workplace secure and adequate based on the guidelines established in the Colombian technical guide GTC-45:2012 (Guide for the identification of dangers and evaluation of the risk in occupational health and security). This project is divided into three sections: The analysis of the GTC-45:2012
the determination of the actual conditions in the matter of health and security in the workplace of the company GN Consulting S.A.S and the establishment of a model that allows identification of dangers and evaluation of risks such as mechanic and psychosocial risks. The result of this monograph consists of a matrix of danger identification and risk evaluation where the risks that were the most urgent were prioritized
determining the respective controls and their respective plans of action to mitigate the consequences that could affect the integrity of the contributors of GN Consulting S.A.S.
if any of the risk was to materialize.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)