Practica empresarial en ingeniería técnica y científica S.A.S para la implementación de un proyecto piloto con tecnología "building information modeling" para la gestión de proyectos de reforzamientos estructurales

Building Information Modeling (BIM) es una tecnología que permite la representación digital de elementos físicos de un proyecto de construcción. Establece un lenguaje común que promueve la integración de los stakeholders del proyecto y permite a profesionales de diferentes disciplinas e inversionist...

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Jaimez Plata, Nestor Albeiro
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Palabra clave:
Gestión De Proyectos
Reforzamiento Estructural.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a technology that allows digital representation of physical elements of a construction project. Establishes a common language that promotes the integration of project stakeholders and allows professionals from different disciplines and investors who do not have the technical context take agile decisions from common language that sets the parametric modeling. The characteristic multidisciplinary of BIM allows digitally recreate the structure
architecture and analysis for each discipline from a unified model
making extraction amounts of precision in the early stages of the project
get planes more efficiently than through technologies CAD (computer aided design) form and extract information explicit result of analysis in the BIM environment regardless of additional software. For the case study was implemented Building Information Modeling from the design stage to control the execution of a project of structural reinforcement. As a result advantages were found over traditional processes such as: Integration team members working
easy changes in the model in any phase of the project
agility in making decisions based on the assessment of scenarios and decreased amount working hours needed to perform consulting compared to a similar project
the results obtained using BIM became the new workflow in the standard for project management in the company.
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