Entre la vida y la muerte. una mirada olvidada sobre el conflicto armado Colombiano. construcción y análisis de tres trayectorias de vida

La coyuntura en la que estamos hace imperativa la necesidad de reconocer a las víctimas no solo en su papel de víctima que ha sufrido los vejámenes propios de una guerra, sino para reconocer su papel como sujetos sociales organizados entorno a los reclamos de justicia, reparación y garantías de no r...

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Diaz Santos, Laura Stella
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Medio Ambiente
Seguridad Territorial
Gestión Del Riesgo
Base De Datos Sig.
The conjuncture in which we are makes imperative the need to recognize the victims not alone in his victim's paper that has suffered the own taunts of a war
but to recognize his paper as social organized subjects I half-close to the claims of justice
repair and guarantees of not repetition. Nevertheless
this recognition and claim has not met endorsed by the Colombian society; from the analyzed in the testimonies of the victims (who are in the present text) we see the need to analyze and reincorporate in the processes of Historical Memory a phenomenon that already had been an agreement
but that has not given itself the importance that is deserved
Im talking about The secondary Victimizacion. This one prevents the reconstruction of the social abb produced by the injustices of a war
since the society and his apathy to the pain that the victimizacion represents
produce a new affront to the victims for the rejection and nonchalance. It is necessary to indicate that it is not a question of the victimizacion produced by the armed legal and illegal actors
but the response of the society to the social conflict that Colombia lives. This report is part of the AMOVI Research Group (Oral memory of victims). This group aims to recognize and exalt the version of the victims on the armed conflict
so as to generate historical memory incorporating all the actors and not only the perpetrators. This recognition is part of the claims of justice
reparation and guarantees of non-repetition.
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