Herramienta computacional para el análisis de la iluminación y climatización automatizada de espacios específicos del edificio de ingeniería eléctrica

El presente trabajo de grado consiste en la realización de una herramienta computacional que muestre y simule el funcionamiento de los sistemas automatizados de iluminación y climatización híbrida (natural y mecánica) implementados en espacios específicos del Edificio de Ingeniería Eléc-trica de la...

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Suarez Suarez, Andres Eduardo
Acevedo Celis, Leidy Carolina
Benitez Cordero, Julian Rene
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Edificaciones Verdes
Simulación Energética
Uso Racional Y Efi-Ciente De La Energía
Aplicativo Computacional
This document consist in the making of a computational tool that shows and simulates the function-ing of hybrid HVAC (natural and mechanical) and illumination systems implemented in specific parts of the Electrical Engineering Building of UIS. The main use of this tool is to describe the behavior of the automatized HVAC and illumination systems
to teach the users about the functioning of itself
based on green design criteria
like a strategy to be able to take benefit in all the natural resources and saving energy. This computational tool gives the user information about the automatized HVAC and illumination systems of the E3T building
with an interface that supplies data and consumption and energy sav-ing graphics. The bigger part of this tool is made in the software Excel VBA because this software is licensed and its interface is user friendly. The data and solar radiation graphics showed in the simu-lator were made with the free-ware SOLEA-2. The functioning of each illumination and HVAC subsystem is viewed through the manipulation of controls that can be chosen according the function the user needs to observe. The tool provides graphic and numeric information for each sub-system chosen
allowing the user (in an interactive way) to visualize the monitored and automatized system information in the E3T building. This document contains important information about subjects like green buildings
rational use of energy
composition and simulation of automatized HVAC and illumination systems
using the concept of State Machines. 5
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)