Estudio de susceptibilidad de movimientos en masa en el sector noroccidental del cerro La Cantera en el municipio de Piedecuesta Santander utilizando la guía metodológica para estudios de amenaza, vulnerabilidad y riesgo por movimientos en masa del

El presente proyecto de grado tiene la modalidad de trabajo de investigación, ostenta por finalidad realizar un estudio de la susceptibilidad de movimientos en masa que se puedan presentar en el sector noroccidental del Cerro de La Cantera en el Municipio de Piedecuesta – Santander. Con base a este...

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Jaimes Sandoval, Barbara Maria
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Palabra clave:
Movimientos En Masa
Estabilidad De Taludes.
This graduation project has a form of research; it aims to do a susceptibility study of mass movements that will be on the side northwest of Cerro La Cantera at Piedecuesta Municipality – Santander. Based on this analysis determined if is necessary to do a threat
vulnerability and risk for mass movements study in the study area. To make a correct evaluation the problem in the study zone it has become a collection of bibliographic information: geological
land use and topographical which server for the preparation of inputs for the model susceptibility high
medium and low mass movements. Also the geomechanical analysis of rock masses found from structural data of jointing and basic test of rock mechanics with Schmidt Hammer was performed. The mass movements identified are movements reactivated with multiple styles of increasing distribution formed by surface geological units and Soil Deposit Coluvial Transported Coluvial Inactive ( Stci )
overlie fissured rocks
cracked and middle of the (RiJg) Giron Formation. Translational displacement type are caused mainly by the rain that saturates the ground. Once susceptibility testing and geomechanical problems in the study sector was concluded proposed possible alternative solutions as well as works interception to decrees the inclination of slope
improving the land use on some sectors and stormwater control.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)