Diagnóstico del estado actual de la malla vial y señalización de la vía Piedecuesta - Los Santos desde el pr 19+000 hasta pr 23+000

En el presente trabajo de investigación se realiza un estudio detallado al estado actual de la malla vial, señalización vertical y horizontal existente en un tramo de vía de 4 kilómetros comprendidos desde el PR 19+000 hasta el PR 23+ 000 del corredor vial que conduce del municipio de Piedecuesta al...

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Gomez Afanador, Carlos Alfredo
Silva Granada, Edwin Antonio
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Señalización Vial
Inspección Visual
Aforo Vehicular.
In the present research work is carried out a datailed study to the current state of the road mesh
vertical and horizontal road signs existing in a section of track of 4 kilometers from PR 19+000 to PR 23 + 000 of the road corridor that leads from the municipality of Piedecuesta to the municipality of Los Santos. The methodology for this study consists of data collection each 10 meters; for the data collection of the information vertical and horizontal road signs respective
adapts formats issued by Instituto Nacional de Vías (INVIAS)
the Ministry of Transport and agreements with La Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
for the collection of information concerning to pavements
is used a format of own production
Taking into account the specifications of the visual inspection for flexible pavements manual issued by the ministry of transport. The processing of this data is developed by the software ArcGIS where it is interpreted in a concise and detailed manner the relevant parts of this study it being possible to demonstrate practically the current state of this track section in its three of action in order to carry out a detailed analysis of the collected in field and thus diagnosis in a precise way the state of this track section
which is evidenced in unfavorable conditions for the vertical road signs and alarming conditions for horizontal road signs and current condition of the road mesh
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