Análisis del comportamiento mecánico de los taludes rocosos del costado occidental de la vía Bucaramanga-Barrancabermeja en el sector del peaje aeropuerto Palonegro-municipio de San Juan de Girón en el tramo comprendido desde km 64+350 hasta el km 68

El presente proyecto de grado en la modalidad de investigación, presenta el análisis de estabilidad del talud rocoso de la vía Bucaramanga Barrancabermeja en el sector del peaje aeropuerto Palonegro Municipio de San Juan de Girón en el tramo comprendido desde Km 64+350 hasta el Km 68+050 y En base a...

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Duarte Marin, Jorge Ivan
Roa Viola, Olguer Ivan
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Macizo Rocoso
Estabilidad De Taludes
This graduation project has a form of research
it aims to do an analysis of the rocky slope stability of the road Bucaramanga-Barrancabermeja in the area of the Palonegro airport- San Juan de Girón municipality in the section from km 64 + 350 to km 68 + 050. Based on this slope stability analysis it is intended to establish the possible solutions to the specific problems of it. To make an accurate assessment of the problem of the study area a collection of geological
geomorphological and topographical literature has been done
which allowed the classification of the studied slopes. In order to achieve this goal
freely usable software as Win-Tensor and Dips have been used
which allowed us to give an interpretation of the obtained results; also a field work has been done to determine through the study of joint families
lithological characterizations and basic rock mechanics tests
the Geomechanical and Geotechnical parameters of the rocky slope. Once the analysis of the problems of the study area is completed
we proceed to do an analysis of the possible solutions that
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