Plan de negocio para creación de una empresa dedicada a la producción y comercialización de productos cárnicos en base a la carne de conejo en la provincia de Soto Norte, Santander

El propósito del presente estudio fue realizar un chorizo de carne de conejo, ahumado y empacado al vacío, de manera que se puedan aprovechar características nutricionales de esta carne en un subproducto de fácil consumo. La carne de conejo fue escogida por presentar propiedades sobresalientes e ide...

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Luna Caicedo, Gloria Ines
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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The purpose of this study was to make a chorizo of rabbit meat
smoked and packed vacuum
so the nutritional characteristics of this meat in a byproduct of easy consumption can benefit. Rabbit meat was chosen by presenting outstanding and ideal properties for good food
low in calories
low in saturated fat
sodium and cholesterol
a high content of proteins
minerals and vitamins of the B group
within the Group of white meats and certain characteristics compared to beef. The purpose was to give added value to innovate in the area of the meat with unique characteristics and guiding it to a market segment with large areas to cover
due to the new trends in consumption of natural
organic and beneficial foods for health. According to the objectives
the research was based on a primary descriptive study using surveys
by f establishing specific behaviors against the consumption and the acceptance of by-products derived from rabbit meat. A financialanalysis was performedthrough theinductive methodtaking intoaccount the costs andexpenses requiredfor the implementation ofthe company's productionofproducts derived fromrabbit meat. It was found that the products have potential and that the project is viable
since revenue manage to cover costs and expenses of production and investment achieves a positive IRR
which because of the viability of the project can be committed to the primary producers
which in this case would be rural families from the village of Pirita - Santander
that correspond to the demand of commodity raw materials and also contribute to its economy
guaranteeing the purchase of the totality of the production.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)