La sombra que no proyectamos

Este proyecto representa plásticamente la interpretación que hago de la dualidad entre el yo y el alter-ego, entendidos respectivamente como aquella construcción psíquica que está diseñada para hacerse pública y aquella otra que debe ser reprimida por diversos factores sociales y culturales. Como el...

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Hernandez Quintanilla, Martha Patricia
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Palabra clave:
Dualidad Alter-Ego Minotauro Marioneta Penetrable
My practicum installation project represents my own vision of ourselves and our alter ego
the first being the psychic construction that we design for the public
and the latter
the one phase that we conceal from the public influenced by social and cultural factors. The inspiration of the installation piece is the Greek myth of the labyrinth of the Minotaur
as this is an issue dealing with the terms inner being and mental state and their varied meanings. For these reasons
I made use of the Minotaur figure to The Shadow -the alter ego- is represented in the installation piece -the labyrinth- as a grotesque marionette. I place it there
in a similar way a dramatic actress would split a part of herself away on stage. The above-mentioned projection of myself into an object concerns the art observer as well because in their mind they think the marionette has a life on its own
but it does not. The installation piece or labyrinth also deals with the concept of interiority
allowing the observer to go through or walk around it.
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