Garantía al derecho a la educación de la población con capacidades cognitivas diversas de Bucaramanga

Dentro de los derechos reconocidos a las personas en condición de discapacidad cognitiva, hoy capacidades cognitivas diversas, se incluye la educación en todas las etapas de su vida siendo fundamental la primaria y básica, que actualmente demandan un carácter inclusivo al ser este el escenario que p...

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Bareño Duitama, Laura Cristina
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Derechos Humanos
Capacidad Cognitiva Diversa.
One of the recognized rights of people with diverse cognitive abilities is the right of education in every stage of their lives. Especially in the elementary and secondary level in which it is necessary to have an inclusive approach
as these are the spaces to commence a life in community which have historically been denied as a result of social exclusion. In the light of these facts
this paper presents an interdisciplinary research study about the current situation of people with diverse cognitive abilities in relation with their fundamental right of education in Bucaramanga
allowing in this way through a qualitative research and data collection based on a series of interviews to the different actors of the educational system in the city
present the educational reality of these people since their childhood until their adolescence. With this
the analysis of the different educational theories
laws and bills is concluded. These ones were based on inclusive approaches and their application in the reality of the population in Bucaramanga with this specific condition
presenting results which allow to highlight the main issues
challenges and advance in favor of guaranteeing education. Besides
this allow to present some recommendations about possible changes which can benefit the efficient application of these right to the people in this research study
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