The Professional Development of Foreign Language Teacher Educators : Another Challenge for Professional Communities
ABSTRACT: The professional development of Colombian foreign language teacher educators faces many challengesthat require individual and institutional actions as well as the participation of a community of teachereducators. This paper reports the findings of a qualitative study in which eighteen Colo...
- Autores:
González Moncada, Adriana María
Sierra Ospina, Nelly
- Tipo de recurso:
- Article of investigation
- Fecha de publicación:
- 2005
- Institución:
- Universidad de Antioquia
- Repositorio:
- Repositorio UdeA
- Idioma:
- eng
- OAI Identifier:
- Acceso en línea:
- Palabra clave:
- Career development
Foreign languages
Teacher education
Desarrollo de la carrera
Formación de docentes
Lengua extranjera
- Rights
- openAccess
- License
- Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 2.5 Colombia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 CO)
Summary: | ABSTRACT: The professional development of Colombian foreign language teacher educators faces many challengesthat require individual and institutional actions as well as the participation of a community of teachereducators. This paper reports the findings of a qualitative study in which eighteen Colombian teachereducators describe their professional alternatives to achieve higher standards in their jobs. Data collectionincludes focus groups, in-depth interviews, a questionnaire, and e-mail correspondence. The analysisshowed that teaching advanced courses, doing research, attending and presenting in internationalconferences, being involved in reflective practice, developing autonomous agendas, and networkingrepresent the best means to accomplish their professional growth. |