El Sector gastronómico ancestral el “runtazo” y su potencial como atractivo turístico en la ciudad de Tunja

The article presents a proposal to improve the conditions of development of the ancestral gastronomic sector the “Runtazo”, based on the potential to become a great tourist attraction of the city of Tunja, recognizing its tradition, the value heritage and the conditions of supply and demand and thus...

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Suárez Amaya, Luis Alejandro
Alvarez Sierra, Gabriel Alejandro
Casas Ochoa, Eduardo Antonio
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Santo Tomás
Repositorio Institucional USTA
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Gastronomic sector
tourist attraction
endogenous development
Sector Gastronómico
atractivo turístico
desarrollo endógeno
Secteur gastronomique
attraction touristique
développement endogène
Setor gastronômico
atração turística
desenvolvimento endógeno
Summary:The article presents a proposal to improve the conditions of development of the ancestral gastronomic sector the “Runtazo”, based on the potential to become a great tourist attraction of the city of Tunja, recognizing its tradition, the value heritage and the conditions of supply and demand and thus advance processes that allow its development and turn it into a tourist attraction, driver of the local economy. Through a descriptive analytical research process, producers and consumers were surveyed on key aspects that enabled the evaluation of strongholds and deficiencies to support this proposal based on endogenous development benchmarks who consider that it is the local communities themselves who seek to enhance their capacities so that they can be used to strengthen society and their economy from the inside out and become sustainable and sustainable over time.