Las prácticas educativas familiares como facilitadoras del proceso de desarrollo en el niño y niña

In order to understand better the family educational practices, as facilitating factors in the development process in childhood, this issue is tackled based on two thematic blocks, which are dynamically related, being propelling elements both in the boy and girl of new zones of development. In the f...

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Henao López, Gloria Cecilia
Ramírez Palacio, Carlota
Ramírez Nieto, Luz Angela
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Universidad de San Buenaventura
Repositorio USB
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Palabra clave:
Prácticas educativas familiares
Modelo Social Culturalista
Zona de desarrollo próximo
La teoría de la participación guiada
Estilos educativos
Family educational practices
Socio-cultural model
Zone of proximal development
Theor y of guided participation
Educational styles
Modelos de enseñanza
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Summary:In order to understand better the family educational practices, as facilitating factors in the development process in childhood, this issue is tackled based on two thematic blocks, which are dynamically related, being propelling elements both in the boy and girl of new zones of development. In the first place, Vygotsky's theory of the double-bind law is tackled, as well as the zone of proximal development and the theory of the participation guided by Barbara Rogoff, these two theories belong to the socio-cultural model, where it is evident the importance of the adult as a mediator and guide for both the boy and girl in the way of approaching the world. The second issue to be covered is the family educational practices referred as those educational strategies used by parents or figures of authority for their children. It includes the issue of the concept of family based on Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory and Andolfi's systems theory; since both theories let it define it as a dynamic system of reciprocal interpersonal relationships, framed in multiple contexts which suffer social and historic processes of change, supporting the educational model proposed by Diana Baumrind, as well as the reformulation proposed by Maccoby and Martin, where family educational styles are found as examples, accounting for the characteristics of behavior in children relating to the manner how their parents exert authority