Las prácticas de lectura y escritura desarrolladas en los procesos de enseñanza como factores determinantes en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes de tercero, cuarto y quinto de básica primaria de la zona urbana del municipio de Yarumal

This research work aims to determine the level of interference that reading and writing practices have in the learning process of elementary school students in the municipality of Yarumal, precisely of third, fourth and fifth grades. Those practices have been developed by teaching process based on t...

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Palacio Roldán, Ana María
Palacio Roldán, Olga Elizabeth
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de San Buenaventura
Repositorio USB
OAI Identifier:
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:
Prácticas de lectura
prácticas de escritura
estrategias metodológicas
construcción del conocimiento
contexto escolar.
Writing practices
Reading practices
Methodological strategies
Learning process
School context
Knowledge prowing
Enseñanza de la lectoescritura
Métodos de enseñanza
Prácticas de la enseñanza
Transferencia de conocimiento;
Proceso enseñanza -Aprendizaje preescolar
Aprendizaje preescolar;
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Summary:This research work aims to determine the level of interference that reading and writing practices have in the learning process of elementary school students in the municipality of Yarumal, precisely of third, fourth and fifth grades. Those practices have been developed by teaching process based on their description, characterization and linking between the actions and intentions of each of the participants involved in this investigation; all aforementioned herein by means of the application of different techniques such as: student survey, semi-structured interview to teachers and class observations. This work is thought as a reflection about the role of reading and writing play in the student formative process, founded on theories stated by scientists as Daniel Cassany, Delia Lerner, Teresa Colomer and Jerome Bruner. Additionally, it allows us to recognize as those practices become peacemakers in growing knowledge in order to establish how significant they are from understanding and interpretation given by students; to set up a dialogical relationship between own conceptions and those of others; and finally, to perceive them as social practices and as useful tools for creation and innovation.