Secuencia enseñanza - aprendizaje desde la educación para el desarrollo sostenible orientada al pensamiento crítico de los estudiantes de grado segundo de la escuela la Martina, del municipio de Tausa

A Teaching-Learning Sequence (TLS) from the learning contents, which were derived from UNESCO's World Education Program for Sustainable Development (EDS), was implemented at La Martina School. The aim of this investigation is to enhance the student’s skills of critical thinking and assess the i...

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Nava Trujillo, César Augusto
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A
Repositorio Institucional UDCA
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Educación para el desarrollo sostenible
Pensamiento cítico
Secuencia enseñanza-aprendizaje
Escuela la Martina
Desarrollo sostenible - Enseñanza elemental
Pensamiento cítico - Enseñanza elemental
Derechos Reservados - Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales
Summary:A Teaching-Learning Sequence (TLS) from the learning contents, which were derived from UNESCO's World Education Program for Sustainable Development (EDS), was implemented at La Martina School. The aim of this investigation is to enhance the student’s skills of critical thinking and assess the impact of implementation of this sequence through a qualitative methodology, almost an experimental descriptive design. The sample of this work was formed of two groups: an experimental one with 18 students and a control gathering of 22 students from Rásgata School, as part of the same departmental educational institution (I.E.D., as in Spanish). Test questionnaires were used as instruments: a pretest and a post-test were applied in both groups at the same time and under the same methodology. Regarding the experimental group, a Teaching-Learning Sequence (TLS) [between the pretest and the post-test] was implemented about climate change, biodiversity, consumption and sustainable production and catastrophe risk management. After the intervention, the statistical results were analyzed. According to those findings, the ‘meaning’ and ‘standard deviation’ from the experimental group increased considerably. Meanwhile, the control group did not show any increase in those measurements. Through the implementation of a didactics unit, the experimental group contributed some strategies for the development of critical thinking abilities. For this purpose, competences were taken into account, particularly those focused on intellectual standards from EDS [e.g., critical analysis, systemic reflection, collaborative decision making and sense of responsibility about present and future generations