El aprendizaje de perímetro y área mediante una secuencia didáctica basada en proyectos bajo el Programa Escuela Nueva

Eng: The objective of this research is to analyze the incidence in the learning of area and perimeter of rectangles and right triangles through a didactic sequence. This presents the results of directing third grade students to manage the perimeter and the area from Project Based Learning in the Esc...

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Cubides Suárez, Wilson Javier
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
RiUPTC: Repositorio Institucional UPTC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Tecnología educativa
Estrategias pedagógicas
Geometría - Enseñanza
Trigonometría - Enseñanza
Aprendizaje basado en proyectos
Escuela nueva
Escuela activa
Project-based learning
New school
Active school
Copyright (c) 2021 Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Summary:Eng: The objective of this research is to analyze the incidence in the learning of area and perimeter of rectangles and right triangles through a didactic sequence. This presents the results of directing third grade students to manage the perimeter and the area from Project Based Learning in the Escuela Nueva - Escuela Activa Program. The investigation was carried out in the I.E. Técnico Agropecuaria de Úmbita, Nueve Pilas headquarters (Boyacá), with a mixed approach through action research - participation. The field work began by means of a diagnostic test where the difficulties that students presented were observed when addressing area and perimeter issues, and then applied a didactic sequence that consisted of three learning guides elaborated from Learning Based on Projects (ABPr) with the Escuela Nueva - Escuela Activa (ENA) methodology in order to overcome the difficulties encountered in the diagnostic test and thus end with the application of the final test, which allowed assessing its impact on the student learning with respect to the mathematical objects posed. After describing the results obtained in the diagnostic test, the didactic sequence and the final test, a statistical study of the data collected in the two tests was carried out by means of the Wilcoxon test and T-student, to verify the degree reliability of the averages obtained, which helped to conclude that the didactic strategies supported by the ABPr and the ENA have a positive impact on the management of the concepts of perimeter and area of rectangles and right triangles, due to the elements that the context has rural such as the school garden, in addition to the meaningful learning of the students in the long term.