Diseño del sistema de gestión ambiental para la organización ACODAL Seccional Occidente

En el presente documento se muestra el proceso que se llevó a cabo al diseñar el sistema de gestión ambiental de la Asociación Nacional de Ingeniería Sanitaria y ambiental, ACODAL Seccional Occidente, conforme a la NTC ISO 14001:2015. Esta es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro, perteneciente al gremio d...

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Caicedo Otero, Juan Sebastián
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
RED: Repositorio Educativo Digital UAO
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Ingeniería Ambiental
Sistema de gestión ambiental
Política ambiental
Mejoramiento continuo
Impacto ambiental
This document shows the process that was carried out when designing the environmental management system of the National Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, ACODAL Seccional Occidente, according to the NTC ISO 14001: 2015. This is a non-profit entity, belonging to the water, sanitation, environment and renewable energy sector. In the initial stage, a description of the company was made, here the information pertinent to the activities it develops was compiled, to have clarity about it, then start with the environmental diagnosis phase. Tours were made in the organization to identify the different activities carried out by each of the areas, this being an entity that works clearly on the environmental issue, already had methods of good sustainability practices, however, it was possible to show some faults in these methods. Consecutively, a list of environmental aspects and impacts was made of each area where water, energy and materials consumption was evidenced, a comparative table of the environmental regulations was made and finally, the checklist was completed to verify the level of compliance in accordance with NTC ISO 14001: 2015. In the second stage of the project, it proceeded to design the environmental management system based on the results of the previous stage, the environmental aspects of each area were evaluated, where it was possible to demonstrate that, despite generating a possible negative environmental impact, these did not have a significant risk towards it. Then the environmental policy approved by the top management of the institution was designed and, based on this, environmental programs were created in order to improve good sustainability practices and contribute to the care of the environment. In the last stage, the action plan was elaborated, determining the best way to implement the environmental management system taking into account that the activities of the organization are developed in favor of continuous improvement and in accordance with the environmental objectives
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