Análisis del rol de la publicidad y la comunicación organizacional en la construcción de la imagen corporativa de La Rebaja Droguería y Minimarkets (Copservir Ltda)

En esta investigación se presenta el caso de La Rebaja Droguerías y Minimarkets, para la cual se encontró la perspectiva que tienen algunos colombianos de esta marca, con el objetivo de poder implementar esta investigación como soporte para el desarrollo de campañas de comunicación corporativas y co...

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Bermúdez Eraso, Yeison Andrés
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
RED: Repositorio Educativo Digital UAO
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Comunicación Publicitaria
Posicionamiento (Publicidad)
Imagen corporativa
Comunicación organizacional
This research presents the case of La Rebaja Droguerías and Minimarkets, for which the perspective of some Colombians of this brand was identified, with the aim of being able to implement this research as support for the development of corporate and commercial communication campaigns. Through the completion of a series of surveys could identify the variables by which customers opt for a self-service drugstore in Colombia such as Drogas La Rebaja, Cruz Verde, Cafam and Comfandi. Apart from the above, more than 200 advertising pieces of the campaigns that La Rebaja has made for more than 8 years were collected and analyzed. The results obtained allowed to identify that the public prefers a self-service drugstore due to its good attention and quality. The Likert scale was used, which allowed to establish that the perception that customers have about La Rebaja Droguerías and Minimarkets, allowing to observe that this brand is positioned as a leading drug store in the national market as documented in the surveys. Being able to conclude in this way that the perspective that the Colombians of La Rebaja have is positive, but nevertheless, in their positioning, even the clients relate the drug trafficking and the Cali cartel, a stigma difficult to eliminate despite the good results of their advertising campaigns. On the other hand, this case study serves to develop future corporate communication and positioning campaigns, more aligned with the perspective that Colombians have of La Rebaja in 2018. Keywords: Construction of the corporate image, positioning, brand identity, organizational communication
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