Integración de una didáctica para la convivencia en el currículo de la educación secundaria

A healthy, harmonious school life, without violence, directly affects a classroom environment that motivates learning, the results of academic performance and the improvement of the quality of education. Relating with others in peace, respect and tolerance for diversity is the foundation of the coex...

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González Saltarín, Maythe
Cárcamo Vega, Estella
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
School coexistence
School climate
Pedagogical practices
Convivencia escolar
Clima escolar
Prácticas pedagógicas
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Summary:A healthy, harmonious school life, without violence, directly affects a classroom environment that motivates learning, the results of academic performance and the improvement of the quality of education. Relating with others in peace, respect and tolerance for diversity is the foundation of the coexistence that in the educational context is constituted not only in the supervision of compliance with standards, but in a learning that must be intended from pedagogical practices, both in the classroom as outside of it, assuming it as an educational / formative task that is the responsibility of all members of the school community. The research aimed to analyze the feasibility for the integration of a didactic for coexistence in the secondary education curriculum, is framed from the deductive rationalist approach, quantitative approach, positivist paradigm and whose methodology is based on the formal logic of descriptive character , with a field design (empirical), not experimental and transversal. The units under study are students and teachers of high school at the Francisco de Paula Santander School located in the Soledad municipality of the department of Atlántico, Colombia, who are treated using the survey techniques. Among the results, it is determined that the institution requires improving pedagogical practices to train students in skills that allow them to live with others, improve disruptive behaviors that occur in some students, as well as discipline and classroom climate. It is concluded that the integration of a didactics in the curriculum is essential to strengthen school life, adopting the training approach required to teach and learn to live emotionally in the classroom, school, community, family and society.