El proceso lector como mediador para el mejoramiento del aprendizaje de los jóvenes que ingresan al programa de preescolar de la Corporación Instituto De Artes Y Ciencias

Whenever there are studied the academic difficulties of the students who enter to the higher education it looks from any other aspect, but without studying in depth the reading problem. Without knowing that specific problems exist in the skill to read, suc h like the rapidity, the fluency, the inton...

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Sierra Saèz, Lucia Teresa
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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Palabra clave:
Educación superior
Proceso lector
Higher education
Reading process
Atribución – No comercial – Compartir igual
Summary:Whenever there are studied the academic difficulties of the students who enter to the higher education it looks from any other aspect, but without studying in depth the reading problem. Without knowing that specific problems exist in the skill to read, suc h like the rapidity, the fluency, the intonation, the comprehension etc, which are incidental in a good acquisition of the knowledge. In this work investigativo the reading not only of texts, but also of study it is a revitalizing element of the educationa l work, because it is it who is the complement of the work of learning in the classroom. A relation exists between yield in the study and a good reading, why the person who can read assimilates with major facility the contents of the texts. Consequently, the rapidity, the comprehension, there are fundamental elements that they make part of the knowledge read. To analyze this problems, to raise and to promote strategies of solution and of change, was constituted in the scepter of the actions of this work inv estigativo