Planeación didáctica para el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora en estudiantes de básica primaria

Building on the importance of reading comprehension and planning as a fundamental part of the delineation of the learning teaching process, this research work systematizes in its content methodological guidelines related to the development of reading competence, with a view to strengthening the dida...

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Mayorga Sulbaran, Denis
Sandoval Fontalvo, Cynthia
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Fecha de publicación:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Planeación didáctica
Comprensión lectora
Estrategias de lectura
Estrategias de enseñanza
didactic planning
reading comprehension
reading strategies
teaching strategies
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Summary:Building on the importance of reading comprehension and planning as a fundamental part of the delineation of the learning teaching process, this research work systematizes in its content methodological guidelines related to the development of reading competence, with a view to strengthening the didactic planning carried out by primary school teachers; considering that the corresponding analysis of the problem shows in students low levels of reading comprehension. The research is carried out under a rationalist-deductive vision, with complementary paradigm and descriptive-analytical-prescriptive scope. A structured questionnaire, an objective evidence of characterization in reading comprehension, documentary analysis of classroom plans and a semi-structured interview are used for data collection, with a sample of 132 students and 12 teachers of 3rd and 5th grade school at an official school. The analysis of the results makes it possible to establish that although didactic plans are designed consistent with the structural requirements posed by the Ministry of National Education, there are weaknesses in the activities, strategies, resources and time; that limit the development of student reading comprehension specifically at inferential and critical levels.