1Article of journalPublished in 1996Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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2Article of journalPublished in 2011Repositorio Repositorio Digital Institucional ReDi
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4Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2012Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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5Article of journalPor Guio Ávila, José Ismael; Pedraza Neisa, Erika Johana; Guzmán Castro, Wilson Eberto; García, Oscar Armando; Corena Días, Armando; Villamizar, LizethPublished in 2017Repositorio Repositorio Digital Institucional ReDi
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7Doctoral thesisPublished in 2019Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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8Article of journalPublished in 2020Repositorio Expeditio: repositorio UTadeo
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9Development of computer libraries capable of simulating emulsions using the Lattice-Boltzmann methodPublished in 2011Repositorio Séneca: repositorio Uniandes
10Article of investigationPor Cuy Chaparro, Laura; Ricaurte-Contreras, Laura Alejandra; Bohórquez, Michel David; Arevalo-Pinzon, Gabriela; Barreto-Santamaría, Adriana; Pabón, Laura; Reyes, César; Moreno Pérez, Darwin Andrés; Patarroyo, Manuel-AlfonsoPublished in 2022Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UDCA
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11Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2019Repositorio Repositorio Institucional USTA
13Article of journalPor Fábregas Villegas, Jonathan; Santamaría De La Cruz, Henry; Márquez Santos, Mauricio; Fontalvo Calvo, Camilo; Carpintero Durango, Javier Andrés; Villa Dominguez, JenniferPublished in 2018Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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14Article of investigationPor Arboleda Rivera, Juan Camilo; Rodríguez Rey, Boris Anghelo; Machado Rodríguez, Gloria; Gutiérrez, JaysonPublished in 2022Repositorio Repositorio UdeA