Showing 2,381 - 2,400 results of 3,942 for search 'Extreme E', query time: 0.30s Refine Results
  1. 2381
    Published in 2011
    Repositorio Repositorio EdocUR - U. Rosario
    ... sístole/diástole, índice de resistencia e índice de pulsatibilidad) en las extremidades superiores...
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  2. 2382
    Por Santos Díaz, Adriana Marcela; Cotes Prado, Alba Marina; Caro Quintero, Alejandro; Bustillo Pardey, Alex Enrique; Escobar, Alexander; Díaz García, Andrés; Arcila Cardona, Ángela María; Carabalí Muñoz, Arturo; Vásquez Ordóñez, Aymer Andrés; Lohr, Bernhard Leo; Oehlschlager, Cam; Beltrán Acosta, Camilo Rubén; Moreno Velandia, Carlos Andres; Espinel Correal, Carlos; González Almario, Carolina; Clerck, Caroline de; Hoy, Casey W.; Narváez Vásquez, Consuelo Alexandra; León, Diana Marcela; Rincón Rueda, Diego Fernando; Espitia Malagón, Eduardo María; Alarcón Torres, Érika Andrea; Grijalba, Érika Paola; Moreno, Fabiola; Borrero Echeverry, Felipe; Cruz Barrera, Fredy Mauricio; Berg, Gabriele; Vargas, Germán; Barrera Cubillos, Gloria Patricia; León Martínez, Guillermo Adolfo; González F., Guillermo; Jijakil, Haissam; Rivera Trujillo, Hugo Fernando; Hernández Nopsa, John Fredy; Ibarra, Jorge; Jurat Fuentes, Juan Luis; Gómez Valderrama, Juliana Andrea; Köhl, Jürgen; Smalla, Kornelia; Villamizar, Laura Fernanda; Solorzano Buitrago, Leonardo; Torres Torres, Lissette Aracelly; Uribe Gutiérrez, Liz Alejandra; Pulido, Luz Astrid; Pérez, Manuel Ricardo; Manzano Martínez, María del Rosario; Díaz Niño, María Fernanda; Díaz Niño, María Fernanda; Zuluaga Mogollón, María Victoria; Belaich, Mariano Nicolás; Hurst, Mark; Gómez Álvarez, Martha Isabel; Rodríguez, Martha Liliana; Wisniewski, Michael; López Ferber, Miguel; Barreto Triana, Nancy del Carmen; Ghiringhelli, Pablo Daniel; Cuartas, Paola Emilia; Betancourt, Ruth Análida; Kobayashi, Sadao; Aragón Rodríguez, Sandra Milena; Massart, Sébastien; Lewis Mosher, Stephen; Kondo Rodriguez, Demian Takumasa; Jackson, Trevor; Bettiol, Wagner; Fargetton, Xavier; Elad, Yigal; Zapata Narváez, Yimmy Alexander; Martínez, Yohana Alexandra; Balbín Suárez, Alicia
    Published in 2018
    Repositorio Agrosavia

    ... Corpoica (hoy AGROSAVIA) y el trabajo de décadas de los coautores nacionales e internacionales que hacen...
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  3. 2383
    Article of journal
    Published in 2015
    Repositorio Repositorio Digital Institucional ReDi

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  4. 2384
    Published in 2015
    Repositorio Repositorio EdocUR - U. Rosario
    ... manipular cargas e das posturas estaticas. Objetivo: determinar a distribuicao e a associacao dos fatores de...
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  5. 2385
  6. 2386
    Trabajo de grado de pregrado
    Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC

    .... In Colombia, the situation is extremely complex as there is a single violent actor, but a combination...
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  7. 2387
    Article of journal
    Published in 2004
    Repositorio Repositorio Digital Institucional ReDi

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  8. 2388
    Review article
    Repositorio Repositorio UdeA

    ... and not invasive initial therapy. Then, it is extremely important to identify the cause-effect relationship before...
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  9. 2389
    Trabajo de grado de pregrado
    Published in 2011
    Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    ... anteversiónfermoral, rodilla, muslo pie y marcha, la distancia intermaleolar e intercondílea. Se seleccionó el 90% de...
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  10. 2390
  11. 2391
    Published in 2017
    Repositorio Repositorio EdocUR - U. Rosario
    ... e imágenes, sumado a cierta condición de vulnerabilidad, el grupo ha logrado radicalizar y reclutar...
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  12. 2392
    Published in 2010
    Repositorio Repositorio EdocUR - U. Rosario
    ... confirmaron evento cerebrovascular tipo hemorragia intraparenquimatosa, de extensión parietotemporal e insular...
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  13. 2393
    Published in 2006
    Repositorio Expeditio: repositorio UTadeo
    ... complex task that every instrument that is able to perform it would necessarily be an extremely powerful...
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  14. 2394
    Published in 2019
    Repositorio Expeditio: repositorio UTadeo
    ... be an extremely powerful computer.observables is such a complex task that every instrument that is able to perform...
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  15. 2395
    Trabajo de grado de pregrado
    Repositorio Repositorio UAN

    ..., 29% of the students mixed the combined fruits and classified them as Erosive with Extremely Erosive...
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  16. 2396
    Published in 2020
    Repositorio Repositorio EdocUR - U. Rosario
    .... Intravenous and intracardiac extensions are extremely rare presentations and, in these cases, the intra...
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  17. 2397
  18. 2398
    Repositorio Repositorio Digital USB

    ... tissue infection in the lower extremity. This was initially treated as cellulitis and antibiotic...
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  19. 2399
  20. 2400