3281Article of journalPor Pargas L., LuzPublished in 2011Repositorio RIUCaC - Repositorio U. Católica
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3282Article of journalPor Gómez Cardona, Efraín Antonio; Díaz Hernández, Daniela; Borré Naranjo, Diana Patricia; Dueñas Castell, Carmelo; Lozada Martínez, Iván David; Picón Jaimes, Yelson Alejandro; Muñoz Murillo, Katherine LizethPublished in 2022Repositorio Repositorio UNAB
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3286Published in 2015Repositorio Repositorio EdocUR - U. Rosario
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3287Article of journalPor Dagenais, Gilles R.; Rydén, Lars; Leiter, Lawrence A.; Lakshmanan, Mark; Dyal, Leanne; Probstfield, Jeffrey L.; Atisso, Charles Messan; Shaw, Jonathan E.; Conget, Ignacio; Cushman, William C.; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio; Lanas, Fernando; Cordona Munoz, Ernesto German; Pirags, Valdis; Pogosova, Nana; Basile, Jan; Sheu, Wayne H. H.; Temelkova-Kurktschiev, Theodora; Raubenheimer, Peter J.; Keltai, Matyas; Hall, Stephanie; Pais, Prem; Colhoun, Helen M.; Riddle, Matthew C.; Gerstein, Hertzel C.Published in 2020Repositorio Repositorio Universidad de Santander
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3288Article of journalPublished in 2004Repositorio Repositorio Digital Universidad de los LLanos
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3289Article of journalPor Ramírez-Duarte, Wilson F.; Pineda-Quiroga, Carolina; Martínez – Rueda, Nhora; Eslava-Mocha, Pedro R.Published in 2013Repositorio Repositorio Digital Universidad de los LLanos
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3291Article of investigationPor Carriazo Regino, Yulieth; Baena Navarro, Rubén Enrique; Torres Hoyos, Francisco José; Vergara Villadiego, Juan Raúl; Roa Prada, SebastiánPublished in 2022Repositorio Repositorio UCC
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3294Masters ThesisPublished in 2015Repositorio Repositorio Institucional USTA
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3295Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2022Repositorio Repositorio Institucional USTA
3296Article of journalPor Sierra Suárez, Lya Paola; Collazos Rodríguez, Jaime Andrés; Sanabria Domínguez, Johana; Vidal Alejandro, PavelPublished in 2017Repositorio RiUPTC: Repositorio Institucional UPTC
3297Por Coronado-Hernández, Jairo R.; Macías-Jiménez, Mayra A; Chica-Llamas, Joned D.; Zapata-Márquez, José I.Published in 2021Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UTB
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3299Article of journalPublished in 2020Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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3300Masters ThesisPor Lai, QitianPublished in 2022Repositorio Repositorio Institucional USTA