3301Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2023Repositorio Repositorio Uniajc
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3302BookPor Restrepo, Abraham; Gómez, Alan; Castaño, Alejandro; Ramírez, Alejandro; Cabrejo, Álvaro; Gutiérrez, Ana Milena; Erazo, Andrés; Hernández, Andrés; Hoyos, Andrés; Serna, Andrés; Valderrama, Andrés; Camargo, Angélica; Hernández, Anne; Solórzano, Augusto; Laorni, Camila; Parra, Camilo; Rodríguez, Camilo; Riaño, Carlos; Díaz, Catalina; Hoyos, Catalina; Moreno, Claudia; Henao, Dámaxo; Bustamante, Daniel; García, Daniel; Restrepo, Daniel Mateo; Henao, Daniela; Lozano, David; Galindo, Diana; Ayerbe, Diego; Novoa, Diego; Valderrama, Dilma; González, Eder; Patiño, Edgar; Jiménez, Edison; Galindo, Esperanza; Gil, Esteban; Barreiro, Felipe; Gómez, Francisco; Peláez, Francisco; Buitrago, Fredy; Valderrama, Hallen; Rojas, Humberto; Sánchez, Jairo; Barbosa, Javier; Sánchez, Jessica; Carmona, Jimmy; Osorio, José David; Moreno, Juan; Suárez, Juan; Moreno, Juanico; Rodríguez, Julián; Sosa, Laura Ruíz; Parra, Leonardo; Macías, Lina; Montoya, Luisa; Gómez, María Alejandra; Giraldo, María Isabel; Arango, Marisol; Lopera, Marlon; Vásquez, Marlon; Montoya, Mateo; Flórez, Miguel; García, Miguel; Londoño, Moisés; Saldarriaga, Mónica; Mejía, Natalia; Parra, Nicolás; Roncancio, Nubia; Valbuena, Omar; Quiroga, Pablo; García, Roberto; Betancur, Santiago; Mosquera, Santiago; Moreno, Sara; Ramírez, Sara; Restrepo, Sebastián Antonio; Macías, Sergio Andrés; Currea, Teresa; Martínez, ValentinaPublished in 2024Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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3304Por Lerma Noriega, Claudia Alicia; Flores-Palacios, María Leticia; Cobos, Tania Lucía; Rebolledo-Mendez, GenaroPublished in 2023Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UTB
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3305articlePublished in 2010Repositorio Repositorio Universidad JaverianaSubjects: “...Critical Discourse Analysis; Norman Fairclough; psychosocial research; work; Latin America...”
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3307articlePublished in 2014Repositorio Repositorio Universidad JaverianaSubjects: “...child and family welfare; comparative research; family foster care; out-of-home care...”
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3308Published in 2015Repositorio Repositorio Corporación Universitaria Americana
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3309Article of investigationPublished in 2009Repositorio Repositorio UdeA
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3310Article of investigationPublished in 2011Repositorio Repositorio UdeA
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3311Article of investigationPublished in 2010Repositorio Repositorio UdeA
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3312Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2018Repositorio Repositorio UdeA
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3313Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2011Repositorio Repositorio UdeA
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3314Article of investigationPublished in 2011Repositorio Repositorio UdeA
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3315Por Mercado Ariza, Julieth Del Carmen; Castillo Rivera, Juan Camilo; Triviño Méndez, Juan Pablo; Pedrozo Coy, Ariel JoséPublished in 2021Repositorio RIU - Repositorio Institucional UniLibre
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3316Article of journalPublished in 2021Repositorio Biblioteca Digital Universidad Externado de Colombia
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3317Article of journalPublished in 2020Repositorio Biblioteca Digital Universidad Externado de Colombia
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3318Article of journalPor Ruiz García, Aroldo; Herazo Rada, Enalba; Rada Ortiz, Lisbeth; Guarnizo Monroy, Luz; Andrade Vergara, Olga; Ortiz Herazo, Sandra; Ortiz Batista, Wilberto; Pabón Paz, YamithPublished in 2018Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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3319Article of journalPublished in 2018Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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3320Article of journalPor Vargas Guerrero, Berenice Del Carmen; Perea-Hernández, Adulfo; Colina -Páez, Andrés; Carrilo-Álvarez, Dannilys; Meriño-Bermúdez, Delia; Bolaño-Hernández, Diosa; Olarte-Faillace, Elaine; Castro-Hernández, Gerardo; Rodríguez–Zúñiga, Gilma; Gámez–Lobo, Helena; Padilla–Jiménez, Katerine; Padilla–Jiménez, Loly; Martínez–Ordoñez, Luis; Charris–Matute, Luz; Ibarra–Orozco, Luzdary; Arévalo–Fandiño, Mary; Rodríguez–Hernández, Milena; Gutiérrez–Daza, Miriam; Villa–Carmona, Oswaldo; Núñez– Anaya, Rosa; Pérez–Cervantes, Saidaith; Navarro–Montenegro, Sol; Duran–Varela, YinaPublished in 2018Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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