561Published in 2004Repositorio Repositorio EdocUR - U. Rosario
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562Article of journalPor Carrillo González, Gloria Mabel; Barreto Osorio, Ruth Vivian; Arboleda de Pérez, Ligia-Betty; Gutiérrez Lesmes, Oscar Alexander; Melo, Blanca Gregoria; Ortiz, Vilma TamaraPublished in 2015Repositorio Repositorio Universidad de Santander
564Doctoral thesisPublished in 2022Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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565Article of journalPor Galdames Cruz, Susan; Jamet Rivera, Paulina; Bonilla Espinoza, Alexander; Quintero Carvajal, Francisca; Rojas Muñoz, ValeriePublished in 2018Repositorio Repositorio Institucional U. Caldas
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566Article of journalPor Galdames Cruz, Susan; Jamet Rivera, Paulina; Bonilla Espinoza, Alexander; Quintero Carvajal, Francisca; Rojas Muñoz, ValeriePublished in 2018Repositorio Repositorio U. de Caldas
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567Published in 2001Repositorio Repositorio EdocUR - U. Rosario
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568Article of journalPublished in 2014Repositorio Repositorio Universidad de Cartagena
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569Article of journalPublished in 1999Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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570articlePublished in 2011Repositorio Repositorio Universidad Javeriana“... with mental illness. The experiences found in favor of the own care, it can be appoint in the physical health...”
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571Por Olivella Fernandez, Madeleine Cecilia; Bastidas Sánchez, Clara Victoria; Castiblanco Amaya, Myriam AngelicaPublished in 2012Repositorio Repositorio Universidad de la Sabana
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572Article of journalPor Cruz-Ortiz, Maribel; Pérez-Rodríguez, María del Carmen; Villegas-Moreno, Elida Lisbeth; Flores-Robaina, Noelia; Hernández-Ibarra, Eduardo; Reyes-Laris, PedroPublished in 2013Repositorio Repositorio UCC
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573Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2017Repositorio Repositorio Institucional FUMC
574Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2017Repositorio Biblioteca Digital Universidad Externado de Colombia
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