3969Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2013Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UPN
3970Por Santofimio Vargas, Alexis Fabian; Gonzáles López, María Esther; Navarro Caro, Jacob Alejandro; Padilla Mota, Usvelia; Chávez Flórez, Sergio René; Aguirre Talamantes, Mario Eduardo; Colmenares Botia, Laura Lucia; Villaizón Castro, Erika; Torres Ortiz, Manuel Alejandro; Cruz Tejada, Jenny PaolaPublished in 2017Repositorio Repositorio Ibero
3973Article of journalPor DiPette, Donald J.; Goughnour, Kenneth; Zuniga, Eric; Skeete, Jamario; Ridley, Emily; Angell, Sonia; Brettler, Jeffrey; Campbell, Norm R. C.; Coca, Antonio; Connell, Kenneth; Doon, Rohit; Jaffe, Marc; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio; Moran, Andrew; Orias, Marcelo; Pineiro, Daniel J.; Rosende, Andres; Valdes Gonzalez, Yamile; Ordunez, PedroPublished in 2020Repositorio Repositorio Universidad de Santander
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3974Article of journalPor Mitra, Debasis; Saritha, Boya; Janeeshma, Edappayil; Gusain, Poonam; Khoshru, Bahman; Abo Nouh, Fatma A.; Rani, Anju; Olatunbosun, Adeyemi N.; Ruparelia, Janki; Rabari, Aniruddh; Mosquera-Sánchez, Lyda P.; Mondal, Rittick; Verma, Devvret; Panneerselvam, Periyasamy; Das Mohapatra, Pradeep K.; Guerra-Sierra, Beatriz ElenaPublished in 2022Repositorio Repositorio Universidad de Santander
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3975Article of journalPor Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio; Otero, Johanna; Rueda-Quijano, Sandra Milena; Camacho López, Paul Anthony; Rey, Juan José; Sánchez, Gregorio; Narváez, Claudia; Accini, José Luis; Arcos, Edgar; García, Henry; Pérez, Maritza; Aroca, Gustavo; Beaney, Thomas; Kobeissi, Elsa; Poulter, Neil R.Published in 2019Repositorio Repositorio Universidad de Santander
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3976Article of journalPor Debasis, Mitra; Guerra Sierra, Beatriz Elena; Bahman, Khoshru; De Los Santos Villalobos, Sergio; Belz, Claudia; Chaudhary, Priya; Shahrig, Faride Noroozi; Rihab, Djebaili; Nurudeen, Olatunbosun Adeyemij; El-Ballatk, Enas M.; El-Esawik, Mohamed A.; Moradic, Shokufeh; Mondall, Rittick; Senapati, Ansuman; Panneerselvam, Periyasamy; Das Mohapatra, Pradeep K.Published in 2021Repositorio Repositorio Universidad de Santander
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3977Article of journalPor Berndt, Nicole; Bippes, Claudia C.; Michalk, Irene; Bartsch, Tabea; Arndt, Claudia; Puentes-Cala, Edinson; Soto, Javier-Andres; Loureiro, Liliana R.; Kegler, Alexandra; Bachmann, Dominik; Gross, Joanne K.; Gross, Tim; Kurien, Biji T.; Hal Scofield, R.; Darise Farris, A.; James, Judith A.; Bergmann, Ralf; Schmitz, Marc; Feldmann, Anja; Bachmann, Michael P.Published in 2021Repositorio Repositorio Universidad de Santander
3978Article of journalPor Mitra, Debasis; MondaL, Rittick; Khoshru, Bahman; Senapati, Ansuman; Radha, T. K.; Mahakur, Bhaswatimayee; Uniyal, Navendra; Myo, Ei Mon; Boutaj, Hanane; Guerra-Sierra, Beatriz Elena; Panneerselvam, Periyasamy; Ganeshamurthy, Arakalagud Nanjundaiah; Andelković, Snežana; Vasić, Tanja; Rani, Anju; Dutta, Subhadeep; Das Mohapatra, Pradeep K.Published in 2022Repositorio Repositorio Universidad de Santander
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