3442Doctoral thesisPublished in 2020Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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3449Article of investigationPor Jaimes Dueñez, Jeiczon Elim; Jiménez Leaño, Ángela Patricia; Montenegro Ayala, Daniela; Esteban Mendoza, María VictoriaPublished in 2022Repositorio Repositorio UCC
3450Article of investigationPor Rios Osorio, Nestor; Muñoz Alvear, Hernán Dario; Jimenez Castellanos, Fabio Andres; Quijano, Sara; Jimenez, Oscar; Garcia, Herney; Caviedes, JavierPublished in 2022Repositorio Repositorio UCC
3451Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2016Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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3452Article of journalPublished in 2021Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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3453Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2018Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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3454Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2019Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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3456Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2019Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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3457Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2020Repositorio RIU - Repositorio Institucional UniLibre
3458Published in 2023Repositorio Biblioteca Digital Universidad Externado de Colombia
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3459Part of bookPublished in 2023Repositorio Biblioteca Digital Universidad Externado de Colombia
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3460Part of bookPor Landi, AndreaPublished in 2023Repositorio Biblioteca Digital Universidad Externado de Colombia
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