5121Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2020Repositorio Repositorio Institucional USTA
5122Article of investigationPor Valderrama, Andrés; Zapata, María Isabel; Hernández López, Juan Carlos; Cardona-Arias, Jaiberth APublished in 2022Repositorio Repositorio UCC
5124Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2024Repositorio RED: Repositorio Educativo Digital UAO
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5126Trabajo de grado de pregradoPor Bautista-Esquivia, Karen Daniela; Estevez-Rueda, Maria Alejandra; Gelvez-Mendez, Aura Ximena; Rojas-Gelves, Isis Daniela; Villa-Duarte, Lina MariaPublished in 2024Repositorio Repositorio Universidad de Santander
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5128masterThesisPublished in 2023Repositorio Repositorio Universidad JaverianaGet full text
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5129Article of journalPor Calvache Mora, Carlos Alberto; González Gutiérrez, Karen Jineth; Pacheco Urrego, Ginna Elizabeth; Ramírez Salgado, Lina Yohanna; Mendoza Cardozo, Oscar IgnacioPublished in 2015Repositorio Repositorio Ibero
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5130Investigation reportPublished in 2003Repositorio Repositorio Minciencias
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5131Article of journalPublished in 2017Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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5132TesisPublished in 2021Repositorio Vitela
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5137Article of journalPublished in 2017Repositorio Repositorio Digital Institucional ReDi
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5138Published in 2018Repositorio Repositorio EdocUR - U. Rosario
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5140Article of journalPor Rivero Monterrosa, Saúl Andrés; Maury Ayala, Andrés; Segovia Fuentes, Javier; Tuñón Pitalúa, MarthaPublished in 2021Repositorio Repositorio Universidad de Cartagena