81Doctoral thesisPublished in 2023Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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84Article of journalPublished in 2020Repositorio Repositorio Digital UFPS
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85Article of investigationPor Alarcón Borges, Ramón Yordanis; Pérez Montero, Ofelia; García Tejera, Rogelio; Durand Silveira, María Teresa; Celeiro Montoya, José; Hernández Mestre, Dayniel; Mesa Vazquez, Jorge; Mestanza-Ramon, Carlos; Hernández-Guzmán, Diego; Milanés Batista, CelenePublished in 2023Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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86Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2023Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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87Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2019Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UDCA
88Article of journalPor Cotrina Sanchez, Alexander; Salazar, Andres; Oviedo Sanabria, Carlos Humberto; Bandopadhyay, Subhajit; Mondaca, Pedro; Valentini, Riccardo; Rojas Briceño, Nilton Beltrán; TORRES GUZMÁN, CRISTÓBAL; Oliva, Manuel; Guzman Valqui, Betty Karina; Meza-Mori, GersonPublished in 2022Repositorio Repositorio Digital UFPS
89Doctoral thesisPublished in 2021Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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91BookPor Quintero Riaza, Héctor Fabio; Mejía Calderon, Luz Adriana; Holguin, Germán; Díaz Rodríguez, Miguel Angel; Herrera López, Marlon Jhair; Mesa, Carlos Andrés; Daraviña Peña, GiancarloPublished in 2024Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UTP
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92Article of investigationPor georgin, jordana; Dison S.P., Franco; Gindri Ramos, Claudete; Allasia Piccilli, Daniel Gustavo; Lima, Eder C.; Sher, FarooqPublished in 2023Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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