541Article of journalPor Karlsson, Erik A; Ciuoderis, Karl; Freiden, Pamela J; Seufzer, Bradley; Jones, Jeremy C; Johnson, Jordan; Parra, Rocio; Gongora, Agustin; Cardenas, Dario; Barajas Pardo, Diana Patricia; Osorio, Jorge E; Schultz-Cherry, StaceyPublished in 2013Repositorio Repositorio UCC
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542Article of journalPor Karlsson EA; Ciuoderis K; Freiden PJ; Seufzer B; Jones JC; Johnson J; Parra R; Gongora A; Cardenas D; Barajas Pardo, Diana patricia; Osorio JE; Schultz-Cherry SPublished in 2023Repositorio Repositorio UCC
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544Article of journalPor Gorbaneff, Yuri; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; Torres, Sergio; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; Contreras, Nelson; Pontificia Universidad JaverianaPublished in 2006Repositorio Repositorio Universidad Javeriana
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545articlePublished in 2006Repositorio Repositorio Universidad Javeriana“... compradores son fuente de la ventaja competitiva sostenible (Johnson y Scholes, 2001; Lambert, et al., 2005...”
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547Article of journalPor Gómez, Viviola; Castrillón-Moreno, Diego Alonso; Perilla-Toro, Lyria Esperanza; Segura-Camacho, SebastiánPublished in 2016Repositorio RIUCaC - Repositorio U. Católica
548Article of investigationPublished in 2022Repositorio RIUCaC - Repositorio U. Católica
549Trabajo de grado de pregradoPor Ramírez Heredia, Juliana Franchesca; Sánchez Arteaga, Laura Melissa; Mojica Quintero, Samir Jafet; Ramírez Valderrama, Zaira DanielaPublished in 2023Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UPN
552Work documentPor Montero Cádiz, Manuel Medardo; Bustos Cáceres, Erika; Correa Parra, Silvia Juliana; Nieves Tavera, Marlén María; Téllez Fajardo, Alicia; Castro Neira, Jairo; Duarte Pabón, NancyPublished in 2022Repositorio Repositorio UCC
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553Part of bookPublished in 2021Repositorio Repositorio Universidad de Cartagena
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554Por Gutiérrez Arango, Juliana; González Johnson, Isabel; Vélez Ángel, Paulina; Pérez Castrillón, Miguel Ángel; Osorio Osorio, Juanita; Chica Álvarez, Jineth AlejandraPublished in 2019Repositorio Repositorio EAFIT
557Article of journalPublished in 2005Repositorio Biblioteca Digital Universidad Externado de Colombia
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558Part of bookPublished in 1996Repositorio Agrosavia
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560Conferencia (Ponencia)Published in 1984Repositorio Agrosavia
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