176983Por Barreto Ponton, Deibys; Torres, Rosa; Fajardo Cuadro, Juan Gabriel; Gordon, Yimy; Berrio, Julián; Vidal, CarlosPublished in 2021Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UTB
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176984Por Coronado Hernández, Jairo Rafael; Romero-Conrado, Alfonso R.; Ochoa-González, Olmedo; Quintero-Arango, Humberto; Vargas, Ximena; Gatica, GustavoPublished in 2020Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UTB
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176987Cluster analysis in Higher Education Institutions' knowledge identification and production processesPor Escorcia Guzman, Jey Howard; Zuluaga Ortiz, Rohemi Alfredo; Garizabal Donado, Luz Eliana; Marquez-Castillo, Andres; Delahoz-Dominguez, Enrique José; Suarez-Sánchez, MaríaPublished in 2022Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UTB
176988Por Montoya, Oscar Danilo; Chamorro, Harold R.; Alvarado-Barrios, Lázaro; Gil-González, Walter; Orozco-Henao, CésarPublished in 2021Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UTB
176991Por Pérez Salas, José; Alcalá Narváez, Mónica; Carrillo Landazábal, Martha; Arellano Cartagena, WilliamPublished in 2022Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UTB
176994Por Salazar Hernández, Rubén; Gómez Torres, Alberto Emilio; García Garcerant, Benjamín; Kerguelen Caballero, Manuel; González Ramos, Manuel; Alvarado Rodríguez, Rosember; Díaz Escandón, Tania; González Díaz, Tatiana; Villaraga, Luis; Carrasquilla Cortínez, Luis; Vargas Vélez, Raúl; Espitia Romero, Ángela; Mercado Serrano, Libeth; Cortecero Cruz, Fernando; Freyle Bohórquez, José; Múnera, Ulises; Osorio Lambis, Martha; Gamboa Severiche, Alex; Carmona Marriaga, David; Torres Castellar, RobertoPublished in 2017Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UTB
176995Por Fajardo Cuadro, Juan Gabriel; Guette, Dawing; Barreto Ponton, Deibys; Cardona, Camilo; Baldiris, IldefonsoPublished in 2021Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UTB
176998Por Mozgovoy, Dmitriy; Tsarev, Roman; Korchynskyi, Volodymyr; Kuzmich, Roman; Pupkov, Alexander; Chikizov, Alexey; Tynchenko, Vadim; Knyazkov, Alexey; Delahoz-Domínguez, EnriquePublished in 2021Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UTB
177000New Scenarios, Actors, and Educational Practices Where Coexistence, Diversity, and Culture Are BuiltPublished in 2022Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UTB