3641Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2021Repositorio RIU - Repositorio Institucional UniLibre
3642Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2018Repositorio Repositorio UCC
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3643Part of bookPor Gómez Etayo, Elizabeth; Giraldo-Rojas, Juan; Gómez Tabares, Anyerson Stiths; Arango Vásquez, Ángela; Núñez Rojas, Ariel CésarPublished in 2020Repositorio RED: Repositorio Educativo Digital UAO
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3644Trabajo de grado de pregradoPor Carreño Santisteban, Sara Lorena; Martínez Mora, Laura Daniela; Meche Paredes, Ilcy Donaira; Ramírez Molano, Karen DanielaPublished in 2022Repositorio Repositorio UNAB
3645Article of investigationPublished in 2019Repositorio Repositorio Digital CECAR
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3646Resilience and mediation: mechanisms to resolve family conflicts in times of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemicPublished in 2022Repositorio Repositorio Digital USB
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3647Published in 2019Repositorio Repositorio Digital USB
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3648Published in 2016Repositorio RIU - Repositorio Institucional UniLibre
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3649Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2007Repositorio Repositorio UCC
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3650Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2020Repositorio RIUCaC - Repositorio U. Católica
3653Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2023Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UPN
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3654Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2019Repositorio Repositorio Institucional USTA
3656Doctoral thesisPublished in 2019Repositorio Repositorio Institucional USTA
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3657Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2020Repositorio Repositorio Institucional USTA
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3658Article of journalPublished in 2009Repositorio Repositorio U. de Caldas
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3659Article of journalPublished in 2009Repositorio Repositorio Institucional U. Caldas
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