1662Article of journalPublished in 1998Repositorio Repositorio U. de Caldas
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1663Article of journalPublished in 1998Repositorio Repositorio Institucional U. Caldas
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1664Article of journalPublished in 2004Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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1665Article of journalPublished in 2014Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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1666Article of journalPublished in 2007Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UPN
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1667Article of journalPor Vasco, EloisaPublished in 1981Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UPN
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1668Article of journalPublished in 2009Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UPN
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1669Article of journalPublished in 2018Repositorio Repositorio Institucional UPN
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1670Article of journalPublished in 2004Repositorio Repositorio Universidad de Cartagena
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1671Article of journalPublished in 2010Repositorio Repositorio Universidad de Cartagena
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1672Article of journalPublished in 2002Repositorio Repositorio Universidad de Cartagena
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1673Article of journalPublished in 2017Repositorio Repositorio Universidad de Cartagena
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1674Article of journalPublished in 2012Repositorio Repositorio Universidad de Cartagena
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1675Por López López, Juan Sebastián; García Jurado, Mayra Alejandra; Torres Torres, Eugenio Martín O. P.; Ruiz Romero, Gabriel; Bravo León, Luis Fernando; Rojas Valderrama, Leydi Viviana; Valencia Villamizar, David; Cuellar Aragón, Danny; Ortiz López, Juan Sebastián; Rodríguez Rojas, Jenny Marcela; Martínez Cotrina, Jorge; Camelo Rusinque, Carolina; Cely Atuesta, Diana Catherine; Gil Rico, Alfredo; Romero Tovar, Sigifredo; Buitrago Rojas, Andrea Paola; Farfán Moreno, William; Soto Urrea, Wilson Hernando; García Norato, Olga MarinaPublished in 2021Repositorio Repositorio Institucional USTA
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1678Por López López, Juan Sebastián; García Jurado, Mayra Alejandra; Torres Torres, Eugenio Martín O. P.; Ruiz Romero, Gabriel; Bravo León, Luis Fernando; Rojas Valderrama, Leydi Viviana; Valencia Villamizar, David; Cuellar Aragón, Danny; Ortiz López, Juan Sebastián; Rodríguez Rojas, Jenny Marcela; Martínez Cotrina, Jorge; Camelo Rusinque, Carolina; Cely Atuesta, Diana Catherine; Gil Rico, Alfredo; Romero Tovar, Sigifredo; Buitrago Rojas, Andrea Paola; Farfán Moreno, William; Soto Urrea, Wilson Hernando; García Norato, Olga MarinaPublished in 2021Repositorio Universidad Santo Tomás
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1679Doctoral thesisPublished in 2023Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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1680Masters ThesisPublished in 2018Repositorio Repositorio Institucional USTA
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