6942Published in 2023Repositorio Repositorio Corporación Universitaria Americana
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6943Published in 2019Repositorio Repositorio Corporación Universitaria Americana
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6944BookPor Barreto Granada, Piedad Lucia; Ortiz López, Carlos Alberto; Peña Meléndez, Wilson Libardo; Varón Cárdenas, Diana AlexandraPublished in 2020Repositorio Repositorio UCC
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6945Article of journalPublished in 2014Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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6946Article of journalPublished in 2020Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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6947Article of journalPublished in 2019Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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6948Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2018Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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6950Article of journalPublished in 2013Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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6952Article of journalPublished in 2016Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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6953Article of investigationPublished in 2023Repositorio RIUCaC - Repositorio U. Católica
6954Article of investigationPor Woolcott-Oyague, Olenka Deniss; Guío-Camargo, Rosa Elizabeth; Woolcott-Oyague, Olenka Deniss; Guío-Camargo, Rosa ElizabethPublished in 2022Repositorio RIUCaC - Repositorio U. Católica
6955Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2020Repositorio RIU - Repositorio Institucional UniLibre
6956Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2019Repositorio RIU - Repositorio Institucional UniLibre
6957Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2021Repositorio RIU - Repositorio Institucional UniLibre
6958Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2021Repositorio RIU - Repositorio Institucional UniLibre