4502Article of journalPublished in 2015Repositorio Repositorio U. de Caldas
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4506Article of journalPublished in 2015Repositorio Repositorio Institucional U. Caldas
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4507Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2023Repositorio RiUPTC: Repositorio Institucional UPTC
4508Por Carreño Mercado, Katlyn Johana; Maldonado Cantillo, Jesús David; Maldonado Gonzáles, Valentina; Molina Alvarado, Joyce Stephany; Vergara Roa, Guillermo AndrésPublished in 2022Repositorio Repositorio Digital USB
4511Article of investigationPublished in 2014Repositorio Repositorio U. Sergio Arboleda
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4512Article of investigationPublished in 2019Repositorio Repositorio U. Sergio Arboleda
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4513Article of investigationPublished in 2017Repositorio Repositorio U. Sergio Arboleda
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4514Published in 2018Repositorio Repositorio Corporación Universitaria Americana
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4516Article of investigationPublished in 2022Repositorio RIUCaC - Repositorio U. Católica
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4517Trabajo de grado de pregradoPublished in 2013Repositorio RIU - Repositorio Institucional UniLibre
4519Article of investigationPor Toyama, Mauricio; Godoy-Casasbuenas, Natalia; Olivar, Natividad; Brusco, Luis Ignacio; Carbonetti, Fernando; Diez-Canseco, Francisco; Gomez-Restrepo, Carlos; Heritage, Paul; Hidalgo-Padilla, Liliana; Uribe Restrepo, Jose Miguel; Steffen, Mariana; Fung, Catherine; Priebe, StefanPublished in 2022Repositorio Repositorio Universidad Javeriana
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4520Article of journalPublished in 2023Repositorio REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
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