602961Article of journalPor Nicholls E.; Lehan T.; Plaza S.L.O.; Deng X.; Perdomo, Jose Libardo; Pizarro J.A.A.; Carlos Arango-Lasprilla J.Published in 2012Repositorio Repositorio UCC
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602962Article of journalPor Marybel Jáquez-Gutiérrez; Atarés, Alejandro; Pineda, Benito; Angarita Diaz, Maria del pilar; Ribelles, Carlos; Begoña García, Sogo; Sánchez López, Jorge; Moreno, VicentePublished in 2023Repositorio Repositorio UCC
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602963Article of journalPor Arango-Lasprilla J.C.; Plaza S.L.O.; Drew A.; Romero J.L.P.; Pizarro J.A.A.; Francis K.; Kreutzer J.Published in 2010Repositorio Repositorio UCC
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602964Article of journalPor Carrero Rojas, Jose Leonardo; Arevalo Martinez, Francisco; Tarazona, Adalberto; Cepeda, Boris MarceloPublished in 2014Repositorio Repositorio UCC
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602965Article of journalPor Aguirre-Loaiza H.; Arenas J.; Arias I.; Franco-Jímenez A.; Barbosa Granados, Sergio Humberto; Ramos-Bermúdez S.; Ayala-Zuluaga F.; Núñez C.; García-Mas A.Published in 2019Repositorio Repositorio UCC
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602966Article of journalPor Marybel Jáquez-Gutiérrez; Atarés, Alejandro; Pineda, Benito; Angarita Diaz, Maria Del Pilar; Ribelles, Carlos; Begoña García, Sogo; Sánchez López, Jorge; Moreno, VicentePublished in 2019Repositorio Repositorio UCC
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602968Article of journalPor Benítez- Quevedo, Cecilia; Balboa- La Chica, Pedro M.; Mesa- Mendoza, Margarita; Suárez- Falcón, HeribertoPublished in 2017Repositorio Repositorio UCC
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602970Article of journalPor Castañeda-Millán D.A.; López-García L.F.; García-Giraldo A.M.; Segura-Vásquez A.; Perez Gutierrez, Norton; Lozano-Márquez E.Published in 2023Repositorio Repositorio UCC
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602972Article of journalPor Pelaez Vargas, Alejandro; Gallego-Perez D.; Carvalho A.; Fernandes M.H.; Hansford D.J.; Monteiro F.J.Published in 2013Repositorio Repositorio UCC
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602978Epistemological Sections and Dissections of Legal Discourse. A Study from the Critical Legal StudiesPublished in 2019Repositorio Repositorio EdocUR - U. Rosario
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